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Caesar Cipher Short Tutorial

Below is the python file I used in this video and the actual video

The video file

File Download Date Modified
Caesar Cipher Tutorial Download File 27 Feb 2024

The actual code in the file

#Caesar Cipher

#Now we have to define the function
def encrypt(text, key):
    result = '' #setting up an empty variable first
    #Now it's a for loop
    for char in text:
        if (char.isupper()):
            result += chr((ord(char)+key-65)%26+65)
            #Above, that is the formula for the encryption
            result += chr((ord(char)+key-97)%26+97)
    #Now all we have to do is return the final result
    return result

#First we will ask the user for some input
text = input("Enter some text to encrypt: ")

#NBow we will ak the user for the cipher key
#You can also use exception handling for the key
while True:
        key = int(input("Enter the key (1-25): "))
        print("Key must be an integer!")

#Finally, let's call the function
encrypted = encrypt(text, key)
print("The encrypted message is:",encrypted)